The wonderful sight of clouds casting their shadows over the hill tops of the desert. These photos make me shiver everytime I look at them. The scenery was extraordinary.
lørdag den 24. juli 2010
Photos from our journey in Jericho
The wonderful sight of clouds casting their shadows over the hill tops of the desert. These photos make me shiver everytime I look at them. The scenery was extraordinary.
Wandering Jericho Desert
Holy sites and adventurous suuq-trips in Bethlehem
Above: Ibrahim's/Abraham's tomb - seen from inside the mosque.
Below: Inside the mosque, inside and outside the synagogue that is just beside the mosque.
When we visited Hebron, our Palestinian friends from Bethlehem went with us. They had to show their identity papers three times before we could even enter the area, where the mosque and synagogue is. I remember the horror in the face of the young soldier as he saw us - he clearly had no idea of how to handle the situation. At the same time, I could feel our friends' anxiety everytime they had to pass over their identity papers. Not to mention the humiliation. When we were inside the mosque, a small group of 3-4 Jewish men were given a tour there. When we went to see the synagogue, the Palestinians were not allowed to enter along with us.
The photo shows a military control post (in the background).
The deserted streets of the old city in Hebron.
A World Upside-Down
I remember watching 'Alice in Wonderland' when I was a little girl. I was freaked out by this twisted univers where nobody seemed to notice that everything was upside-down. When I think back at my first visit to Palestine, I remember being overwhelmed by the huge amount of information. Everywhere I went, I was met with yet another personal story that revealed a new side of the conflict and its many consequences. I was faced with rules, restrictions and living conditions I had never imagined could exist. Back home, I could not stop talking about it, as if I had to pass on the knowledge in order to gain relief from the shock it had given me.
Now, as I am here for my second time, I am no longer surprised by every new piece of information, but I feel more puzzled than ever. I have returned to a place where everything truly is upside-down. Checkpoints and refugee camps are a part of everyday life and speech. The control of peoples' movement is a fact. People quit good jobs that are hard to replace because the short travel of 20 kms from home to work takes them several hours. Everybody knows at least one person who has been to prison or they have been themselves. Often, they kan be held in prison for months or years without being charged for anything – the charges against them being ”classified information”. I am no longer shocked to my core with all the personal stories I hear and new facts I discover. I am deeply mooved by this information, but not surprised. All these restrictions and violations of human rights are horrible, but by and by you somehow get used to the endless ways these violations are carried out.
Before I went to Palestine this summer, some people aksed me why I wanted to go back. I have been asked the same question by people here. My presence here will not change anything. But it lets people know that I care. That I support their fight to regain their rights and their freedom. Being here is really the only thing I can do. So – my answer is – how could I not return?
torsdag den 22. juli 2010
A morning full of excitement
The main streets of Ramallah centre are normally quite lively. Today the usual chaos of pedestrians and street traders mingling through the heavy morning traffic reached a so far unforeseen level as clusters of young people were filling up every free space in the streets. When I reached the office it was clear to me that something was going on.
A beautiful evening
On my stroll back to home, the strong scent of jasmine flowers worked as magic dust in the cool air. You hardly notice these flowers during the day, but at night they send out their wonderful smell and you realise that they are everywhere.
To fulfil a perfect evening, I stayed up late and watched a few films with my roommate. When the early hours of the morning had finally made the street silent, it was time to go to sleep.
søndag den 18. juli 2010
A few facts about the wall
Behind the Wall
Another story. During the same trip – but a week or so later – I had to catch a public bus in Jerusalem along with the others from the travel group. In a split second the images of busse blwon apart ran through my head. I got nervous, wondering if the ride would be safe. Very quickly I assured myself that there was nothing to worry about – because the wall was there to keep possible attacks away.
These two feelings, both very strong, provide a good example of the complexity of the situation here. It is so important to be nuanced and I do not believe that you are truly able to decide what you think is right and wrong if you do not listen to all the contrasting feelings inside you.
Probably any person in the world can imagine the horror of a bomb attack. It is much harder to imagine what restrictions in your freedom of movement feel like.
On the one hand, the wall and its checkpoints has hardly affected me during my stay here this summer. On the other hand, its presence penetrates so many aspects of daily life. Many of my colleagues live in Jerusalem or other places outside Ramallah. They never know how long it will take them to get home. Jerusalem is only about 20 km from Ramallah, but on a bad day it can take hours getting there. Checkpoint queues.
I have been in Ramallah for more than two weeks now, but I still haven't made it to Bethlehem to see any of my friends from the last trip. Bethlehem, just like Jerusalem, is only about 20 kms away from Ramallah, but the bus ride will take about 1 ½ hours. Work ends at 5 p.m. and it is not impossible to go to Bethlehem and back in the same evening. But the idea of having to spend as much time in a bus as with my friends has kept me from going. Just the thought of all the hazzle and the extra waiting that is very likely to occur simply wears me out. I only experience the restriction in freedom of movement on a tourist level. Many Palestinians have lost their jobs due to this restriction, if they are not born in Jerusalem they must apply for permittance to go there, and they never know how long it will take them to go from one Palestinian town to another.
fredag den 16. juli 2010
Sounds of Ramallah
Days are going by in Ramallah and I am slowly getting used to the pace of the city. I normally wake up around 5 a.m. when the first beams of sunlight make their way through the curtains in my window. There is no trafic, no music, no people in the street. The silence of these early hours is true magic.
The first person in the street is the boy who sells bread. His nasal voice cuts through the silence like a razor blade and wakes up the whole neighbourhood. Very soon, the traffic follows and adds its noise, the rythm of buzzing engines with honking horns setting the beat.
In a few days, the Palestine Festival will begin. I am looking forward to add new sounds to my experiences in Ramallah.
onsdag den 14. juli 2010
Handala. A little boy with a big message
Handala is a ten-year old refugee. He does not show his face to anybody, but only lets people see him from his back. With his hands firmly clasped together on his back he refuses to accept the solution the outside worlds suggest to the solve the conflict in his country. He does not believe in these solutions. He will not face people again, and he will not grow up, until he can return to the homeland he was forced to fled so many years ago.
In 1969, the Palestinian cartoonist Naji Salim al-Ali drew Handala for the first time. Ever since he has been a symbol of resistance towards the occupation, and representing the longing for a free country he has become of a part of the Palestinian identity.
I first heard about him in 2008, when I visited Dheisheh Refugee Camp near Betlehem, one of the many refugee camps that were established from the war that followed the officiel enunciation of the state of Israel.
In the camp is a house for common activities and gatherings. The walls in the never ending stair case leading you up through the narrow, tall building were full of drawings and poems made by the refugees living in Dheisheh.One of these drawings depicted Handala.
The story about Handala is important, but it is so hard to tell. In 1987 Naji Salim al-Ali was assasinated and Handala lost his chance to show his face again, to show his eyes, his identity. The destiny of this little figure is painfully symbolic to the destiny of the Palestinian refugees whose only hope and dream is to return to the home they left when they fled the war. A home that probably no longer exists. It is the story about clinging to hope in a hopeless situation.
torsdag den 8. juli 2010
Dreams of the sea
onsdag den 7. juli 2010
Do you know your neighbour?
Knocking on an unknown neighbour's door to borrow a silly piece of kitchen supplies wasn't easy. I remember going through an inner struggle, considering the do's and dont's that are implicit within the Danish culture. A culture in which people are used to taking the safe approach and minding their own business instead of sharing their thoughts, emotions, and needs. Instead of overtly showing that they do care for the person next door.
In Denmark, we often blame the long, dark and cold winter for our inverted and slightly cold behaviour towards each other. Maybe there is something to it. The warmth and the unlimited hospitality of the Palestinian people definately seems to be as persistent and reliable as the hot Middle Eastern summer.
Last night I went to buy some water at the local store just beside my home. I never got to buy the water, but was invited to stay and have a cold drink with the owner and his two daughters, Abiir and and Dina. We talked for at least an hour. About my stay in Palestine, about their lives and my life. When it was time to close the store, I was invited to join them for a cup of Arabic coffee at a funfair located on a hill top in Ramallah. We had almost reached the fair, when Djamila, the oldest daughter in the family, called her father on the phone and decided that she would like to meet me too. We went back to the centre to pick up her and her six months' old baby Anass and, unable to make room for more people in the car, it was time to head back to the funfair. Within a few hours I got to know my neighbour in Ramallah better than the one in Denmark.
The Arabic phrase for welcome is 'ahlen wa sahlen'. Literally, 'ahlen' means that you are considered family and 'sahlen' expresses the hope that you will find it comfortable setting foot on the land. I am met with unnummerable 'ahlen wa sahlen's every day - and I truly feel welcome. I feel gratitude simply for being here, in Palestine, recognising both the beauty and the struggle of this country and its people.
søndag den 4. juli 2010
A few words from Ramallah
torsdag den 1. juli 2010
Sharing a waterpipe and check point experiences
One of the girls told us that she has recently been stopped in a check point where her car was pulled apart into pieces and examinated. When she left the check point two hours later, the car was leaking oil.
Arabic welcome in Ramallah
So we had coffee. As black as the night, as sweet as love and as strong as death. I once heard a saying about Arabic coffee, and even if I have not remembered it correctly, this description will do just as well. Arabic coffee is heavy stuff.
(Photo: The bazaar in the old city, East Jerusalem)
Getting a black card
The flights from Copenhagen-Zürich and Zürich-Tel Aviv went smoothly. In Ben Gurion Airport, though, there was a bit of a hazzle. I was sent through the passport check fairly quickly and thought that it would all there was to explaining what my purpose for coming to Israel and Palestine was. When they send you further on they give you a card - I discovered at least two colours; some had been given a red one, but the print om my card was black. When I handed it to the lady in the next checking post, she told me that they had to ask me some questions - so in less than in about half a minute, I was introduced to no less than three different women and finally having to answer the same questions I had been asked by the first one: Why have I come here, have I been here before, do I know anybody here, how long will my stay last, am I absolutely sure that I don't know anybody here, where will I be going first - where will I be staying, can I show them my hostel booking confirmation....
Driving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem I glanced out the window, once again overwhelmed by the beauty of the night: twinkling stars – thousands of them in sight, but their light is over powered by the immense darkness that make sky and ground almost melt together. Tiny, white lights are spread out on the enourmous hill tops in the horizon, revealing the curvy formations of this incredible landscape. Despite unpleasant questions in the airport, it felt good being back.
tirsdag den 29. juni 2010
Getting in the mood
Buzz of butterflies
Busy, narrow streets, dazzling heat, the sounds of traffic mixing with church bells and calls for prayer from the minarets. Oh yes. I have butterflies in my stomach. Tomorrow, I am going to Palestine and Israel and I constantly find myself breathless with excitement. It will be my second time there. My first trip to the area was arranged by Logumkloster Folk Highschool and I went with a group of other young Danes.This time, I will be on my own.